Hypertension and Heart Failure:
Epidemiology, Mechanisms and Treatment
(Updates in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection)
The second edition of this well-received book will offer both new insights into the intimate mechanisms of transition from hypertension to heart failure and clinical practice advice on the prevention and treatment of heart failure in hypertensive population. Heart failure is the result of the hypertension’s effects on the heart and it is a growing public health problem, as it affects 20-50% of the adult population in developed countries.
In this context the international scientific community is continuously struggling to develop better strategies in screening, diagnosing and treating hypertension and its deleterious effects. Thus, this field is continuously changing, with new important information being added constantly. A part of the book dedicated to diagnostics, comprising a chapter on new perspectives on multimodality imaging and a special chapter on diastolic dysfunction. The arrhythmic complications of hypertensive heart disease are discussed in two chapters on atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias respectively. Readers will also find new chapters regarding hypertension and heart failure in special populations such as cancer patients, young patients, pregnancy and patients with a history of SARS-CoV2 infection.
This book is a useful tool for clinicians but also to the research community interested in heart failure and consequences of hypertension on heart who want to be up-to-date with the new developments in the field.